Arbitrage Calculator
Find out if you can guarantee a profit when there are large variances in the odds on a particular market (bet).
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Betting is difficult, and winning at sports betting can often seem impossible, but if a bettor is patient and isn’t always looking for the so-called “big score” they can find ways to make a profit. Arbitrage betting is a great example of this. It’s a slow grind of small profits, but unlike betting on events by trying to predict their outcomes, it has a much lower risk.
Similar to hedge betting, a sports bettor is looking to make a profit by placing proportional bets on an event outcome. Of all the bet types, arbitrage betting is likely one of the more “boring”, but can be one of the safest in all of sports betting. Proper arbitrage betting strategies can set up a bettor to slowly increase their bankroll by taking risk free approach to sports betting.
Another sports arbitrage betting example would be doing something similar using free bets. Free bets allow you to bet on the other side of a market with zero risk, since your second bet amount cannot be lost. It may not be the best way to use a free bet, but it’s a nice way to find a maximum profit in a market.
What is an Arbitrage Bet?
An arbitrage bet is a set of two or more bets placed on opposite sides of a market to ensure a profit. Shrewd bettors who can follow and predict the movement of the market are often able to set themselves up to win a small amount no matter the outcome of an event.
Arbitrage Calculator Features
The arbitrage calculator for sports betting is fairly simple. It just needs to know the stake you will be betting and the odds offered for both sides of the market.
Calculator Instructions
First, enter your stake in the first field. This is the total amount of money you will be wagering on both bets, combined. Second, enter the different prices (in American odds) into the two fields below. The arbitrage calculator will automatically generate results for you. It will tell you how much money to wager on each bet by calculating a proportion of the total stake you entered, and then give you a return on investment along with a guaranteed profit. If those final two numbers are less than zero, it’s not actually an arbitrage bet, since you will lose money by placing those bets.
How to Find Arbitrage Bets Opportunities in Sports betting
Just as line shopping is important when betting, it’s also a way to stumble upon some arbitrage opportunities. Sometimes a different sportsbook will have different prices and you can arbitrage without having to wait for any market movement. Discrepancies like this aren’t very common in sports betting but do occur. this can be a bit time-consuming, luckily you can take advantage of some services that help you as you try to win your arbitrage bets.
There are several websites that offer services to help a bettor find an arbitrage opportunity. They work by scraping the prices from all the events and as many sportsbooks as possible and look for markets where a positive ROI is available from betting on both sides.
How to Calculate Arbitrage Between Two Bookmakers
While you can do the math, or set up a spreadsheet to do it for you, the easiest way to figure out if different odds on the same game offers an opportunity for arbitrage bettors are just using our arb calculator.
Risk of Arbitrage Betting
The Risk in arbitrage betting is virtually nothing if done correctly. The whole point is to make sure your total wager cannot be lost on any possible outcome. One outcome will win one bet, and the alternative outcome will win another on the same event. Each payout being larger than what would be lost on the opposite bet.
FAQ About the Arbitrage Calculator
How do you find matches for arbitrage?
There are two ways to find arbitrage betting opportunities: by hunting them down by having many sportsbooks to bet at, or by getting ahead of the market and placing a wager on a side that will move enough to create an arbitrage bet on the other side evntually.
Are arbitrage bets illegal?
No, arbitrage betting is legal as long as the state or municipality you are living and betting from has legalized sports betting. That’s not to say that sportsbooks enjoy that kind of action. If it’s determined that you are continually only betting arbitrage, you may be limited or have your account closed. If online sports betting isn’t legal where you live, then of course a
How much can I make with sports arbitrage?
This depends on many, many factors. To make a decent profit, you’d need to spend the time or money hunting down arbitrage bets, have a big enough bankroll, and have plenty of sports betting accounts open in order to give yourself the most opportunities to get the most risk-free profit.
How do sportsbooks detect arbitrage?
Just the same as the websites that offer services to help you find an arbitrage opportunity. If they know when an arbitrage opportunity exists and they see your sports betting account only placing wagers on those markets, they may have cause to take action against your account.